“Flourishing with Rum: A Guide to Planting and Nurturing Rum-Inspired Flowers”

The Safflower is a captivating flower that exudes charm and holds a range of conflicting meanings. It stands for deep love, which makes it a popular choice for bouquets, table vases, and especially wedding events. This intriguing flower has unique features that make it stand out in any arrangement. Let’s delve deeper into the meaning of Safflower flowers!
Originating from South Africa, this flower has various names such as water lilies, zum flowers, Arum lilies, spruce flowers, and calf foot plants due to their shape that resembles calves’ talons. In English, it is referred to as Arum and belongs to the Ráy family (Araceae). Despite its originating country, Safflower has become a favorite flower in various parts of the world, including Vietnam. You can order fresh flowers for quick delivery in Da Nang.

The Arum, also known as the safflower flower, is a beautiful plant with unique features. It is a perennial plant that grows next to swamps and ponds, and can grow up to 1-1.3 meters tall. In areas with plenty of sunlight, it can even grow into bushes, making it a lovely addition to any garden.

The safflower tree is characterized by round or heart-shaped leaves that range from 6 to 12 cm in length, and have petioles that are 10 to 20 cm long. The plate of the leaves can be as wide as 4 to 12 cm. The flowers of the safflower tree are predominantly white, but can also come in various colors like red, pink, yellow, purple, and orange. Their lengths can be anywhere from 10 to 15cm. This plant thrives in well-lit areas and usually blooms around May when the temperature begins to rise. It grows best in loose, loamy soil with moderate moisture and good drainage.

There is a tale associated with the safflower tree that tells the story of a boy named Lathit. He was a playful, clever boy who lived happily under the care of his loving mother. Unfortunately, his mother passed away due to a dreadful disease, which led to a tragic turn of events in Lathit’s life. His father remarried a cold-hearted, selfish woman who owned a herd of pigs. Lathit was tasked with herding the pigs from season to season, and this led him to a pond where the pigs loved to bathe.

Once upon a time, there was a young boy named Lathit. He lived with his stepmother and uncle, who was always covered in stains. Due to an incident where Lathit accidentally let the pigs invade the potato field while herding them, he lost all his friends. Later, while trying to climb out of a dirty pond after falling in, his stepmother pushed him back in, leaving him with one side of his body completely clean like a white flower. This unique appearance led people, including his father, to nickname him “wax”.

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