“Passionate for Passionflowers: Exploring 26 Unique Varieties of the Beautiful Vine”

Types of Passionflower Vines

Let’s talk about the Passiflora alata, commonly known as the Winged-Stem Passionflower. This plant has some stunning features, including fiery red petals and white and purple filaments that produce a unique fragrance. The anthers on this passionflower also stay shut, adding to the plant’s appeal. It’s a beautiful addition to any garden or floral arrangement.

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Passiflora incarnata is the botanical name of the most frequently found passionflower in Texas. It is often referred to as May-Pop by local gardeners due to the loud popping sound made by its fruits when stepped on. Another type, the Blue Crown Passionflower, is also worth noting.

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Plant Name:
Passiflora incarnata ‘Elizabeth’
This lovely plant displays gorgeous lavender-colored flowers that are quite mesmerizing. The petals are unusually flat and seem to intertwine, making it a sight to behold.
7. Passionflower for Weddings in White

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The plant with the botanical name Passiflora ‘White Wedding’ is a strong growing climber. It has large, sweet-smelling white flowers that go well with its blue-green leaves. Another name for this plant is the Constance Elliot Passionflower.

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Passiflora gritensis is a stunning option for Passionflower vine lovers. Its vibrant fuchsia petals make green foliage pop, creating a beautiful display. This variety is commonly known as the Incense Passionflower.

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Passiflora ‘Lady Margaret’ is a beautiful hybrid plant that boasts stunning raspberry-red petals, reminiscent of its scarlet parent. This lovely plant results from the cross-pollination of Incarnata and Coccinea. Additionally, it belongs to the Passion Fruit family.

Passionflower vine, scientifically known as Passiflora edulis, is a beautiful plant that boasts blue and white miniature petals. It’s also known for its delicious and nutritious fruit. Another popular type of passionfruit is the Banana Passion Fruit.

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Passiflora mollissima is the botanical name for the Red Passionflower, which has unique tubular petals and blooms in shades of white or pale pink. Compared to other passionflower varieties, it requires extra attention and care.

Passiflora racemosa, also known as the huge red passionflower, boasts a striking appearance with its 4-5 inch diameter and intricate white and purple filaments atop vibrant red petals. Additionally, this plant offers edible fruit for your enjoyment. It is also commonly referred to as the Stinking Passionflower.

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The plant known as Passiflora foetida may not sound appealing because of its name, but it is actually a valuable vine. Despite its reputation as being malodorous due to the scent that the crushed leaves emit, this plant should not be underestimated. For more information on the top vining fruits, continue reading and discover the Cincinnata Passionflower.

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The plant commonly known as Passiflora citrina has small yellow flowers and is often kept indoors as a decorative houseplant. This particular species is also known as Damsel’s Delight Passionflower and can bloom for up to 10 months out of the year.

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Passiflora antioquiensis, commonly known as Red Banana or Vanilla Passionfruit, boasts some of the largest blooms among its family members. Its vivid red-fuchsia petals are accompanied by small corollas in shades of purple and green. Additionally, it is also referred to as Sunburst Passionflower.

Introducing the ‘Sunburst’ passionflower, scientifically known as Passiflora ‘Sunburst’. These beautiful vines bear green sepals and orange corona filaments, accompanied by leaves dotted with yellow spots. They are also commonly referred to as ‘Nectar Dots’ due to their attractive appearance. For more stunning outdoor plants with a purple hue, check out the top 21 picks for inspiration.

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Looking for a beautiful, evergreen vine to add to your garden? Consider Passiflora x violacea ‘Victoria’! This variety is a great choice for training onto fences or arbors, and its stunning flowers are truly a sight to behold. Plus, with its evergreen foliage, Victoria will keep your garden looking gorgeous year-round. Another fantastic option is the White Maypop Passionflower, which features delicate white blooms that are sure to impress. So why not add a little beauty and charm to your garden with one of these lovely vines?

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Have you heard of Passiflora incarnata ‘Alba’? This beautiful plant is native to eastern America and has pure white flowers. Not only that, but it also produces delicious edible fruits that can be used in various dishes like jellies and jams. Another passionflower variety to check out is the Betty Myles Young Passionflower.

The Devon Subtropical Garden boasts a lovely Passiflora called ‘Betty Myles Young’. This plant variety is a fusion of different strains found along the riverside and can reach up to 15 feet tall. Its flowers come in a blend of purple, white, and dusky blue hues, and releases a subtle aroma that enhances garden ambiance.

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