Playful Window Cleaner Startles Golden Retriever Puppy – Check Out the Adorable Reaction!

Ferris, a five-month-old golden retriever puppy, was in for a surprise when he saw a window cleaner outside his building. In a video that went viral on June 7, Ferris ran up to the glass to meet the cleaner, who pretended to bop the pup’s nose from the other side of the window. While the cleaner waved and smiled at Ferris, the young puppy remained confused about how to reach the window washer. Anna Gordon, Ferris’s owner, spoke with Storyful about the precious meeting between dog and window washer. According to Gordon, Ferris had never experienced a window cleaner before and was very curious why someone was on the other side of the glass. Similarly, in 2021, Ace, an older golden retriever, climbed onto the roof to follow his owner, who was hanging Christmas lights. Both Ferris and Ace may have their differences, but it’s adorable to watch golden retrievers encounter the real world, from window cleaners to roofs.

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