Rescuing My Life: A Tale of Overcoming Cleft Palate and Embracing Hope

The tiny infant was clearly struggling, but he had a strong spirit and refused to give up. Despite appearances, there are many amazing individuals in the world who perform incredible acts of kindness and aid those who require assistance. Kathryn Mongrain, a licensed veterinary technician hailing from Houston, Texas, is one such person. Though she has worked in an emergency room for several years, she shifted her focus to special needs infants in 2015. To provide a sanctuary for all medical or special needs animals that would otherwise be put down, she established “The Bottle Brigade.” Among the animals she has assisted is Hammy, also known as “The Sass Master.”

The Bottle Brigade, a non-profit organization that rescues small-breed dogs in The Woodlands, Texas, received assistance from Kathryn when they placed Hammy under her care. Hammy was brought to Kathryn due to his cleft palate, which required special attention. For the first few days, Hammy had difficulty breathing and seemed to be struggling. However, he exhibited resilience and refused to give up despite his challenges. Genny Zygmanik Murphy, the CEO and founder of Tiny Paws Rescue, sought Kathryn’s help to provide Hammy with the care he needed.

Kathryn had no choice but to place Hammy in the incubator, but once he started feeling better, she would take him out gradually. However, Hammy did not want to go back inside and he showed his resistance despite being a sick and tiny baby. He used his voice to express his discontent and let everyone know that he was ready to leave the incubator. According to Kathryn, Hammy’s lungs were no longer an issue and he was eager to explore the world around him. He was vocal about his desires and would make it known when he needed attention or didn’t want to do something.

Despite his small size, he never failed to make his presence known with his strong voice and desire to be noticed. According to Kathryn, anytime someone spoke to him, he would respond with quick-witted remarks. After recovering from his ailment, Hammy wasted no time running around the house, thoroughly enjoying himself. His outgoing personality even allowed him to make a new friend at his residence, the large Great Dane named Etta. Despite the overwhelming size difference, Hammy fearlessly challenged Etta and acted as though he was unaware of their vast size gap. Hammy accompanied Kathryn to work every day at the hospital, where he quickly became a beloved fixture among staff members and visitors alike. Once they returned home from work, Hammy couldn’t wait to play and run around.

The tiny creature seemed to be aware that he had been given another opportunity and was making the most of it. Hammy appeared to be enjoying himself to the fullest extent possible. Following his recovery, Hammy went back to Genny, the person who had originally brought him to Kathryn’s care. Kathryn expressed that Hammy’s resilience was inspiring her to believe in the recovery of her other furry companions. Hammy underwent two operations to correct his cleft palate, but as a result, he has achieved good health and is now a lively young animal.

Genny posted an exciting update on her Facebook page about Hammy, who has now become a regular puppy. He can now eat and drink from a bowl just like any other dog, which is a significant improvement. Although he still needs to take seizure medication and wear bells on his collar to alert him if he has a seizure, Hammy is a true miracle. Despite suffering from numerous pneumonias, he manages to maintain his lively spirit and has even developed a smoker’s cough caused by emphysema. Thanks to the dedication of two women who never gave up on him, Hammy is now a healthy and happy dog. Check out his incredible journey in the video below.

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