“Unbreakable Friendship: A Tale of Two Lifelong Companions Facing Heartbreaking Separation and Euthanasia”

In light of some health concerns, a delightful duo of dogs were given up to Memphis Animal Services on May 11th, 2023. Unfortunately, one of the pups has been marked for euthanization. Despite this sad news, it’s important to note that these two furry companions have been inseparable since their puppy days.

Peddi has been given a deadline of today, June 19th, to be rescued or else she will be killed. This means that Rawdi will be left alone in the kennel for the first time ever when the shelter comes to take Peddi away. These two girls have only had each other during their stay at the shelter and they have been on their best behavior. We have gathered information about both dogs during their time here.

This particular furry friend is labeled as in need of urgent attention due to either medical or behavioral concerns that cannot be addressed within the shelter environment.
Peddi has been categorized as at-risk due to her moderate FAS condition.
During a playgroup session held on June 3, 2023, Peddi displayed an amiable and sociable behavior. Despite her size, she interacted well with smaller dogs without overpowering them and also had appropriate interactions with a dog of similar size.

This young lady has been residing at MAS for a month and unfortunately, no one has shown interest in adopting her yet. She is 2.5 years old, weighs 48 pounds, and has tested negative for heartworm.
Recently, she went on a stroll with one of the staff members and didn’t give them any trouble when it came to leashing her up. She walked calmly to the turf yard. Once outside, she did her business promptly and showed excellent potty manners.

Rawdi has a curious and adventurous personality, often exploring her environment with great interest. Although she is not fond of playing, Rawdi enjoys observing the dogs in neighboring yards and following them along the fence. She prefers to keep to herself but still craves affection and attention, often seeking out hugs and kisses. Rawdi’s gentle and loving nature makes her an ideal companion for anyone looking for a peaceful and caring presence in their life. Please show your support for Rawdi and other animals in need by spreading the word about their situation to approved rescue groups, friends, family, and social media contacts. Your help and sharing can make a significant difference and potentially save lives. Let’s work together to provide these deserving animals with a brighter future.

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