“Wheelie Puppy’s Rescue: Heartwarming Footage of Firefighters Saving Dog with Tire Mishap”

Young dogs have a natural inclination to explore their surroundings, but sometimes this can lead to trouble. Fortunately, a collaborative effort resulted in the successful rescue of a small puppy that had become trapped under a spare tire. The incident was reported by a concerned citizen in Coachella, California, and Riverside County Animal Services Officer Jose Cisneros responded to the call. The rescue operation was documented on Twitter by officials from the Riverside County Department of Animal Services, who attempted to free the 3-month-old Australian cattle dog by applying oil to its head to facilitate its release. However, due to swelling in the dog’s neck area, this method was ineffective.

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The department stated in a news release that it is a typical approach to utilize cooking oil as a lubricant to assist an animal stranded in a difficult situation.


After their initial attempt failed, the group decided to sedate the dog in order to keep it relaxed. They then proceeded to reach out to the Riverside County Fire Department for additional assistance.


Once the firefighters moved the dog and its wheel to a secure location, they utilized power tools to slice through the rim and liberate the animal’s head. The rescuers affectionately referred to the dog as “Wheelie Puppy” and even chowed down on its meal soon after the rescue operation. The Department of Animal Services later shared a video of the heartwarming moment on Twitter, expressing their gratitude to their companions for their assistance in the rescue process.


On Thursday, the Department of Animal Services team provided an update to a fan who was worried about the animal rescue. They announced that they successfully found the owners of Wheelie Pup.


The department tweeted that the owners reached out to them regarding the incident and a reunion is planned for either Thursday morning or mid-day. They also mentioned that they are currently taking care of the puppy.


The Department of Animal Services shared their experience on Facebook about a day filled with rescuing animals. They mentioned that it was a combination of strange, frightening, and exciting moments. The department also provides various pet services such as licensing, education, and adoption. You can watch the video attached to their post for more details.

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